Saturday, November 18, 2017

Treating Skin Changes with Pacey Cuff

Skin response to Pacey Cuff Use

       The use of Pacey Cuff may, from time , may rarely cause skin irritation that is in part associated with night pad use or soap contact effects as well. The development of any of these changes that are non- infective by nature will be treated primarily with a short period of avoiding Pacey Cuff use. The skin recovery should be prompt and may be assisted by use of a skin protective agend such as Zinc based cream. This type of cream is often used for diaper rash which is also caused by effects of local moisture and provides a moisture barrier for skin.  While Zinc is not recommended treatment for infection , it has been shown to have activity suppressing Staph Aureus which is a common skin resident.
   There are many compounds on the market with zinc that may be selected. An example would be that  referrenced below. Should any rash persist it would be valuable to have a physician consultation or perhaps a telemedicine based consult.
    True infection skin effects will usually require antibiotics but one would expect these changes to be rare with those accustomed to daily bathing and normal activities. Diabetes patients may require some extra vigilance in this regard.

Infant skin barrier cream. (Tm)

Dr John A Pacey MD FRCSc (CyberJack)

For Canada and USA sales

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