Friday, September 21, 2018

Pacey Cuff use to support Kegel Exercises

Pacey Cuff use to support Kegel Exercises
       How to do Kegel Exercises

  • The use of Pacey Cuff during Kegel Exercises will prevent unwanted urine leakage during exercise . 
  • Use the Pacey Cuff with an empty bladder.
  • Discuss the plan with your Urologist or Continence Nurse expert.
  • Keep a log of your progress.

  1. Find the right pelvic floor muscles. To decide which muscles to contract , stop urination midstream. The muscles that were used for this are the muscles that you need to strengthen for control of the leakage
  2. Tightly contract these muscles for 7-10 seconds without tightening your buttocks, abdomen, or thigh muscles. If you contract your pelvic floor muscles while looking into the mirror , the base of your penis will move closer to your abdomen and your testicles will lift. This should feel like a lifting motion. Then relax for 7-10 seconds. This is 1 repetition of the exercise.
  3. Try to do about 45-60 Kegel repetitions daily , at one session or split sessions.
  4. These exercises may be done standing, sitting, or lying down and while you're enjoying other activities, such as watching TV or reading a book.


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