Pacey Medtech gets feedback regarding fitting issues from users of the Pacey Cuff. This feedback often reflects difficulty that users are having with fitting the device. The great feature of the Pacey Cuff is its growing flexibility as the company understands the issues noted by customers.
The following tips are suggested.
1. The Goal of use of the Pacey Cuff is to apply correct pressure levels to the Urethra on the bottom surface of the penis. If the bottom part is extended too far one cannot tighten the device properly.
Figure 1. The bottom is set at 3 and therefore the device has a moderate loop that will apply pressure to the urethra
Figure 1. The bottom is set at 3 and therefore the device has a moderate loop that will apply pressure to the urethra
Figure 2. PMT has a TURBO PAD available which is now the updated design . The TURBO PAD increases the thickness of the bottom pad compressing directly on the urethra and is therefore sometimes helpful when no other measure helps. This image shows the TURBO PAD extra thickness and enlarged surface area designed to give more comfort.
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